Rogue Fan Fiction

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Yes, there really are fake books out there - Russian authors have produced 5 or 6 that we know of!

Originally I featured these three books, which now have confirmed translated titles as seen below.

Angélique and Tsarevitch AlekseiAngélique and the TsatritsaAngélique at Tsar Peter's Wedding

From left to right the titles are translated as : Angélique and Tsarevitch Aleksei / Angélique and the Tsatritsa of all the Muscovites / Angélique at Tsar Peter's Wedding

Angélique and Tsarevitch AlekseiAstrologerAngélique and the Tsatritsa

These also come in Orange Covers but I have only been able to source three of them Tsarevich Aleksei, Angélique and the Moscow Astrologer and Tsaritsa of all the Muscovites

These seem to follow some regimented format placing Angélique firmly in the Russian Court.

Two or three more books have since come to light :

6th rogue book

From left to right the titles are translated as : Angélique and the Moscow Astrologer / Angélique in Russia (2 variations) possibly by two different authors


Roman French writer Xenia Gabrieli continues the famous series of novels about the adventures of the beautiful Angelique in Russia. Xenia Gabrieli from a family of Russian immigrants who settled in Paris in 1920. Art historian by training, particularly fond of Russian historical painting. Author of a number of historical novels.


Faina Grimberg provides us with French variations of the titles and a brief cv : She was born in Akmola, Russia on 14.07.1951, in the family of a teacher and a night watchman. In 1975 she graduated from the Faculty of Philology of the Tashkent University. Worked as a cleaner, a typist in Tashkent Textile Institute (1967-80). Reprinted as a poet since 1980 ...


Xenia Gabrieli has written four titles in this fan fiction series; they are 'Angélique and Tsarevitch Aleksei', 'Angélique and the Tsatritsa of all the Muscovites', 'Angélique at Tsar Peter's Wedding', and 'Angélique and the Moscow Astrologer' - regrettaby I cannot source the chronology. Some synopses of these travesties are hidden around the internet and are reproduced as originally written and translated by Google:

'Angelica and Tsarevich Alexei' ('Angélique et tsarevitch Alexis')

Russian Tsar Peter the yard and can not imagine my life without Angelica. It is faced with a new challenge - to arrange the marriage of Princess Sophia of Brandenburg and Tsarevich Alexei, the son of Peter the Great. That it manages to separate the prince to a woman of humble origin Euphrosyne, which wanted to marry Alex and which fled to Europe. Angelica fugitive returns to his homeland and arranges his marriage with the Princess Sophia. To persuade the princess, Angelica promises to give her a "necklace Roxanne," a priceless diamond jewelry, mysteriously disappeared from the harem of the Turkish sultan ...

Before Angelica faces a new challenge - to arrange the marriage of Princess Sophia of Brandenburg and Tsarevich Alexei, the son of Peter the Great. To persuade the princess, Angelica promises to give her a "necklace Roxanne" - a priceless diamond jewelry, mysteriously disappeared from the harem of the Turkish sultan. In his personal life Angelica also undergoing significant changes. It's crazy approximate the Russian tsar and falls in love with a loved Peter Moor - Ibrahim. But despite erupted feelings, beauty can not stay long in Russia - it is sent to travel around Europe towards new adventures.

(Tentatively links to 'Angélique and the Sultan')

'Angelica and Moscow astrologer' (Angélique et l'astronom Moscovite')

Angelica arrives in St. Petersburg to support his son Constantine, participating in the construction of the new capital. But Tsar Peter insists on its return to Moscow, wants to see Angelica godmother of his newborn daughter Anna. Angelica is in turmoil. She was no longer young and not so seductive. Men look at it more as a friend, not as a woman. In Moscow Angelica meets James Bruce, the famous military leader and a chemist by the name of "Moscow astrologer." It offers Angelica participate in the experience of rejuvenation and drink some potion that he once tried. The desire to once again become young wins, and Angelica solved ... And now she is a charming girl who does not even know his own son - again, sea fans and adventure continues ...

Angelica in Moscow meeting with James Bruce, the famous military leader and a chemist by the name of "Moscow astrologer." It offers Angelica participate in the experience of rejuvenation and drink some potion that he once tried. The desire to once again become young wins, and Angelica solved ... And now she is a charming girl who does not even know his own son - again, sea fans and adventure continues ...

(No obvious link to any original book - the translation of 'astrologer' sometimes becomes 'stargazer')

'Angelica and queen Muscovy' (Angélique et la reine des Moscovites)

Roman French writer Xenia Gabrieli "Angelica and the queen of Moscow" continues the famous series of novels about the fate of the beautiful Angelica. This time the heroine falls in Russia, where she was waiting for new adventures ...

'Angelica and the marriage of Tsar Peter' ('Angélique et la noce du tzar Pierre')

Roman Xenia Gabrieli "Angelica and the marriage of Tsar Peter" is a continuation of the famous series of novels about the fate of the beautiful Angelica. At this time, Angelica unhappy marriage Russian tsar with my girlfriend, Catherine.

Roman French writer Xenia Gabrieli "Angelica and the marriage of Tsar Peter" continues the famous series of novels about the adventures of the beautiful Angélique in Russia.

Happily, there does not appear to be anything about 'Angélique in El Dorado.'


From Brigitte:

'I browsed through various Russians forums and here is what I could find:

"Angelique in Russia" by Анн-Мари Нуво (Anne-Marie New) is an alternate version of what's happening after "Angelique and the Sultan"

There's another "Angelique in Russia" written by Kandidov, alias for Alexey Sviridov. Events described in the book happen after "La victoire d'Angélique". An account by Sviridov himself can be found here:

And, believe it or not, there's a third (!) "Angelique in Russia" written by a certain Alex Golon (an alias obviously as he's not related to the Golons) published in 1992 in a magazine called "PolarStar" nr. 5-6.

There's also an "Angelique at the Court" written by Alfred Omelianovich - an alternate version of what's happening after the first book. It seems that Angelique is marrying Philippe right after Joffrey's death... Merry widow

"Angelica and the queen of Moscovia, "Angelique and the wedding of Czar Peter", "Angelique and the Moscow astronomer", "Angelique and the czarevich Alexei" were written by Faina Grimberg. So it seems these are the ones I sent you.

Last, "Angelique in search of El Dorado" (no author mentioned) takes place after "La victoire d'Angélique" and is located in North-America, France, Spain and South-America.'

From Anna:

'They are fan fiction written by who knows who (I don't think the name on the book is a real person ). Published, I believe, early to mid 90s before Russia had at least pretended to respect copyright laws. Totally unreadable, by the way. Full of heaving bosoms and inaccurate history.'

From Miriam:

'I did long ago download them somewhere on russian web and red begin and the end of one of it .....what a stupid thing!....'


And that is probably the best place to leave all these fraudulent books.

But anyone curious for more - these books do have ISBN numbers :


Publisher: Ripol Klassik, PUBLISHING HOUSE , 2005

ISBN: 5-7905-2765-5, 5-7905-2821-X, 5-7905-2959-3, 5-7905-2976-3, 5-7905-3177-6, 5-7905-3178-4, 5-7905-3319-1, 5-7905-3320-5

ISBN13: 978-5-7905-2765-4, 978-5-7905-2821-7, 978-5-7905-2959-7, 978-5-7905-2976-4, 978-5-7905-3177- 4, 978-5-7905-3178-1, 978-5-7905-3319-8, 978-5-7905-3320-4

Series: Angelica

ISBN 5-7905-3177-6, 5-7905-3178-4, 5-7905-3319-1, 5-7905-3320-5, 5-7905-2959-3, 5-7905-2976-3, 5 -7905-2765-5, 5-7905-2821-X; 2005

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Page refreshed :15th August 2017