Book by Book

Cataloguing the Angélique series of books presents difficult problems - mainly because of the sheer popularity of Anne Golon's work.

With at least 320 publishers in 63 countries and with the books translated into a number of different languages, it is impossible to produce a definitive bibliography. Our task is made even more difficult by complications such as the fact that the first two books often appear as one volume.

We have therefore decided to base this section on the books as they appeared in English, and counting the first two books as two, not one volume. That gives us ten books, plus three others which have so far never been translated into English.

Click on the links, left, for details of each book in turn.

These pages give background details of each book as well as an outline summary of the plot (but not too much to spoil it for those who haven't read the books yet!)

Original 'World of Angélique' website created by Graham Carter who retains the ©
Archived 'World of Angélique' website can be found at Web Archive Org
This recreation comes under the authority and protection for preservation purposes of who retains the © of this version

Page created : 7th April 2017 - refreshed :

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