Angélique and the Demon

This book was first published in English in 1966.

Angélique is denied the peace of mind she has longed for when the beautiful but unsettling Ambrosine, Duchess de Maudriborg, and her entourage of King's girls are shipwrecked on the shores of Goldsboro.

She is threatened by strange forces and by a mysterious band of pale strangers creating discord and mayhem in the region.

Angélique and her friends combat poison, skulduggery and treachery as she battles for the life of her closest friend Abigail who is awaiting the birth of her first born.

Mesmerised by the compelling wiles of the brilliant and charming Ambrosine, our heroine's fey instincts are clouded and her judgement impaired.

Unsure of love, not knowing whom to trust and fearful for the safety of her children and friends, Angélique must discover the ringleader of the evil that threatens them before it is too late.

Surrounded by shadowy figures, isolated from her friends and entangled in a web of deception, she must confront her most chilling foe.

WARNING: Selecting 'More about the plot', below, links to a longer version of the above summary. It may reveal information that could spoil the enjoyment for those who have yet to read the book.

More about the plot

Original 'World of Angélique' website created by Graham Carter who retains the ©
Archived 'World of Angélique' website can be found at Web Archive Org
This recreation comes under the authority and protection for preservation purposes of who retains the © of this version

Page created : 7th April 2017 - refreshed :

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