Blu Ray re-issue 2014

Blu Ray DVD boxed set

Anne Golon December 2013

Anne Golon December 2013

Anne Golon December 2013

Anne Golon December 2013

Images copyright and courtesy of Claire Saïm

To see the nominations as a document click on the icon

Nominations List

Hoarding at Virgin

Signing Books

Young Male Admirer

More Book signing

Jo Wilfired Tsonga

Jo-Wilfrid Tsonga - International French tennis star


Keith Allen

Keith Allen as the Sheriff of Nottingham in the television series (remake) of Robin Hood. Photo courtesy of the The Guardian.


For Michèle Mercier, the role of Angélique, "the Marquise of the Angels", was both a blessing and a curse. It catapulted her to almost instant stardom, rivalling Brigitte Bardot in her celebrity and popularity, but ruined her acting career. The character of Angélique made to forget the other aspects of the career of Mercier, but it is true that general public discovered her only in "Angélique", and made her a real star of the French cinema of that time. By the end of the 1960s, the names Angélique and Michèle Mercier were synonymous, and to escape type-casting, Mercier was compelled to leave France and try to re-start her career in United States, unfortunately without any success.

The above is from the IMDB Biography page for Michèle Mercier.

Star Academy Logo

Star Academy

Was a French reality television show for young singers produced by the Dutch company Endemol, based on the Spanish format called Operación Triunfo. It was broadcast on TF and at the end of each season, selected contestants would go on tour around France, Morocco, Switzerland, Belgium, Tunisia, and other French-speaking countries.

See Elodie's performance on You Tube


"Les Lyonnais"

A Gangland Story

After growing up in a poor gypsy camp, Edmond Vidal, aka Momon, has retained a sense of family, unfailing loyalty and pride in his origins. Most of all, he has remained friends with Serge Suttel, with whom he first discovered prison life - for stealing cherries. The two of them inevitably got involved in organized crime. The team they formed, the Ganf Des Lyonnais, made them the most notorious armed robbers of the early 1970s. Their irresistible rise ended in 1974 with a spectacular arrest. Today, as he nears 60, Momon would like to forget that part of his life. He has found peace by retiring from the "business". He tends to his wife Janou, who suffered so in the past, and to his children and grandchildren, all of whom have great respect for this man of simple and universal values, so clear-headed and full of kindness. But then Serge Suttel, who has disowned nothing of his past, comes back into the picture.

(Narrative courtesy of IMDB)






































































































































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Book Signing at the Salon du livre HistoriqueWednesday, 14th December 2016

Anne Golon 14th Dec 2016

Anne Golon's nameplate

The Anne Golon name plate - images courtesy of and © of Claire Saïm

Three days short of her 90th birthday, in a year which has seen the world of literature, film, television and music decimated, this remarkable author is still making public apperances and improving her life's work of Angélique, Marquise des Anges - bravo Anne Golon!

Book Signing at the 8th annual 'Salon des Femmes des Lettres' on Thursday, 26th May 2016

Anne Golon - image courtesy and © of Claire Saïm

Image courtesy and © of Cocktail & Culture and Fb

The 8th Annual 'Salon des Femmes des Lettres' (established in 2009) will be held on 26th May 2016 in Paris and will host up to 60 female authors (femmes des lettres sounds so much better!) who will be present to sign books for fans. Amongst them will be Anne Golon. The 'Simone Veil Price and Vénus Khoury-Ghata Prize' for Poetry will be awarded at this prestigious event.

Personal appearance - Official Sponsor Anne Golon at the 'Festival du Roman Feminin' 20th April 2016

Anne Golon and Fans

Anne Golon with Angéla Morelli at the Festival on 20th April 2016 - Angéla says "J'ai participé à la conférence avec Anne Golon, mon idole. Lors de mon intervention, je me suis mise à pleurer sous le coup de l'émotion. Un grand moment." (I participated at the conference with my idol Anne Golon. On meeting with her I welled up and sobbed with emotion, It was a wonderful moment.)

Les Romance Poster for April 2016

Qui mieux que l’auteur de la célébrissime saga Angélique pourrait porter les couleurs du Roman Féminin? Angélique est une héroïne forte, qui a fait rêver tant de lecteurs et inspiré tant d’autres auteurs. Son grand amour, Joffrey de Peyrac, a également inspiré les héros de nombre de romans et de romances. Monument du roman historique, classique et subversive, la saga Angélique transporte le lecteur à une époque remarquablement reconstituée. Pour toutes ces raisons, Anne Golon nous a semblé la marraine idéale pour notre Festival. Et à notre grande joie, elle a dit oui immédiatement.

Who better than the celebrated author of Angélique to champion the cause women in romantic literature? Angélique is a noble and strong heroine who has realised the dreams of many if her readers and inspired other authors. Her one and only true love, Joffrey de Peyrac, has become the template for many a leading man in other novels. The saga of Angélique is a monument to classical literature and thanks to the captivating descriptions used teleports the reader directly into the 17th century. For all these reasons, Anne Golon seemed the perfect choice as our sponsor for the Festival. To our unprecedeted delight, she immediately agreed to our invitation.

Hnoured Author Banner

Elle a été notre auteur à l’honneur dans le webzine d'avril 2008. We were delighted to feature her as our 'Honoured Author' in Webzine dated April 2008. .pdf file available here

Anne Golon at the Book Signing

Anne Golon at the Festival du Roman Féminin - doing what comes naturally - autographing her books - image courtesy and © of Claire Saïm

Manga Collaboration - Anne Golon and Olivier Milhaud - 11th April 2016

Golon and Milhaud collaborative signing

Anne Golon and Olivier Milhaud in a joint Manga autograph signing session at Le cercle national des armees (CNA) - image courtesy and © of Claire Saïm

A revival of the Stage Musical in Prague - February/March 2016

2016 Logo

The Logo remains the same as in 2007 - the 2016 version (presumably back by popular demand) will run until March 2016

Crediting Anne Golon on programme

Credits correctly acknowledge Anne's input - 'Based on the historical romance Angélique by Anne Golon'

New 2016 cast and director - informal

The 2016 cast - informal photoshoot - © Autorem fotografií je exkluzivně pro Radek Janda

New 2016 cast and director - in costume

The 2016 cast in costume - © Autorem fotografií je exkluzivně pro Radek Janda

Book Signing - Thursday, 17th December 2015

Anne Golon book signing Versailles

Librairie Antoine hosts Anne Golon's book signing - l to r Window Dressing / Anne Golon with birthday flowers - images courtesy of Claire Saïm

Book Signing announcement

Anne Golon's publishers announce a book signing on her 94th Birthday!

"Anne Golon sera en dédicace ce jeudi 17 décembre ! Venez rencontrer l'auteur d' "Angélique, marquise des anges" !"

Anne Golon will be signing copies of her book this Thursday, 17th December! Come and meet the author of "Angélique, Marquise of the Angels"

Book Signing - Thursday, 28th May 2015

(regrettably postponed)

A new web-site, created by l'Archipel current publishers of the re-released original and Intégrale versions of the Angélique series.

Direct approach to the publishers to alert them to the campaign by English-language readers

Response from Anne Golon Literary website

The wait continues, but at least there is a response!

This request has now been 'moderated'

Anne Golon championed in British Newspaper April 2015

Hucknall Dispatch article Anne Golon Link to Reveille page

and becomes the 'Marquise du Manga'

Manga Review naming the Marquise du Manga

Manga released April 2015

Anne Golon proudly displaying yet another incarnation of her eponymous heroine which shows its true size - the photograph below is a little misleading making the book look larger than the actuality.

Anne Golon

Author Anne Golon gets to read the Manga prior to its general release - picture supplied by Anne Golon's daughter Nadine Golubinoff

Salon du livre Historique Hôtel de Ville de Levallois - Book Signings - March 2015

Book Signing at Hotel de Ville

Images of Anne Golon courtesy of Claire Saïm

Anne Golon has been listed as a distinguished invitee to the proceedings on 8th March 2015

Book Signing announcement 8 March 2015

A new 'Manga' has been announced - February 2015

Angelique Manga as advertised on Manga-NewsAngelique Manga as advertised on Manga-News

As currently being advertised on Manga-News

Manga Promotional Banner

due for release 8th April 2015

Manga Episode 1

The first episode of a new 'Manga' project due for release in April 2015 with part 2 due on the bookshelves in June 2015.

New Book Signing at Versailles - 25th October 2014

Annd Golon stand at the Book Signing

Books a-plenty for the adoring fans to choose from - image © Claire Saïm

Anne with bouquet

Anne Golon deserves every bouquet she receives from her adoring fans (me included!) - image © Claire Saïm

A clever pastiche of the author at the Book signing - images © Claire Saïm

Anne Golon close-up book signing

What every fan hopes to see when they hand over a book for signature - image © Claire Saïm

Book Signing October 2014

Hosted by publishers l'Archipel at Versailles

Complete re-publishing announced by L'Archipel

Integrale Book 1

News from French Publishers L'Archipel : all 13 volumes of the original Angélique series are to be republished (in French) at a rate of three per annum starting with Angélique et le Roy (King) in January 2015. These will be large edition format as already seen with the first two movie 'tie-in' versions : Angélique and Angélique, Le Chemin de Versailles. The Intégrale is also to be republished starting with books 5 and 6 in 2015 these will be in the smaller format (archipoche) usually associated with paper/softbacks.

Fully restored Blu Ray Boxed Set Films Intégrale

Not to be outdone - a new restored version of the original Angélique films is being presented in a Blu-Ray Boxed edition for 2014. Currently stocked by

Anne Golon book signing at the 'Cercle des Officiers' on 22nd May 2014

Images from this book signing courtesy and copyright of Claire SaÏm

Anne Golon - author

Anne Golon - author

Book signing venueAnne deliberating

Venue and Anne Golon preparing dedications (there is never a shortage of 'asks' wherever she appears)

Anne Golon today

Anne Golon in her element!

Ever popular - Anne Golon signs new film tie-in version of her book - December 2013

Anne Golon signing autographs

Anne Golon never misses an opportunity to provide her personalised autograph to the neverending fan numbers that have expanded over several generations of her 'lectrices' (readers). Each dedication is lovingly tailored to the visiting fans - happily I have several myself!

L'Archipel re-issues original 1957 novel to coincide with new film release

Marquise des Anges re-issue 2013

Featuring the faces of the new film stars - the original Angélique, Marquise des Anges, from 1957 is re-imagined for a 2013/21014 audience with the Intégrale to be published separately and in 'livre poche' format

Anne Golon's publishers L'Archipel have announced the re-publication of her original 1957 novel to coincide with the release of the new film starring Nora Arnezeder and Gérard Lanvin. L'Archipel state:

"Angélique revient au cinéma sous les traits de Nora Arzeneder - La version d’origine du célèbre roman d'Anne Golon est rééditée à l’occasion du retour d’Angélique au cinéma. "

Translated this headlines says "Angélique returns to the cinema as the face of Nora Arzender" and by the side of the book that is being promoted the publishers explain "The original version of the celebrated novel by Anne Golon has been re-edited to coincide with the return of Angélique to the cinema."

The publishers page also provides a preview of the film on You Tube which can be viewed here or on L'Archipel's website.

The Paris way to advertise the new film

Film Poster in advertising tower near the Opera in Paris

You've got to admit - it's got bags of style!

December 18th 2013 - New Angelique Film release date announced

New Film Poster

Scroll down to compare current and previous actors

Welcome the new face of Angélique:

Nora Arnezeder

Oh yes there is going to be a new film!

Iconic image of Angelique and Joffrey

Most likely to be the iconic image that will represent this film - Nora Arnezeder as Angélique and Gérard Lanvin as Joffrey
ANGÉLIQUE, MARQUISE DES ANGES de Ariel Zeïtoun ©2012 AJOZ-MONA - Films - Silvia Zeitlinger

And it appears to be well under way

Have a look at some of the locations here

From the Ajoz Films web-site (11th December 2012)- a synopsis and current status:

"Fresh from her convent education, Angélique, a young and beautiful girl of the provincial nobility, is "sold" by her impoverished father to the Count de Peyrac to be his wife. Rich though he may be, and well respected in the region of Toulouse, Peyrac is as hideous and lame as Angélique is lovely.

Despite the difficult beginnings of their relationship, de Peyrac’s intelligence, humor, and strength of character end up winning Angélique’s heart.

Their life together might have been a fairy tale, were it not for Angélique’s secret -- one that will cost her everything. In adolescence, she accidentally overheard a group of noblemen as they discussed the details of their conspiracy against the King. Later, realizing that Angelique is a witness, they decide that they must get rid of her.

Angélique, however, is protected by the love, the power, and the fortune of the Count de Peyrac. Getting at her will require that the noblemen first get him out of the way. Peyrac is tortured, and condemned -- even before being tried -- to be burned in the Place de Gresves.

After Peyrac’s death, stripped of her title and wealth, rejected by those close to her, and still pursued by the men who wish to be rid of her, only the necessity of supporting her two children keeps her from ending her own life.

For them, she will live. And for them, she will find the energy to fight. And she will avenge Peyrac, whatever the price, in order to remain true to the love they shared.

She will re-write the story of her life from that of a young and innocent noble girl crushed by circumstance, to that of a woman who refuses to give in to injustice and to the will of those who have made a nightmare of her fairy tale.

Her weapon: herself.

Her army: the beggars, thieves, and prostitutes found huddling in the Courtyard of Miracles -- the dregs of disenfranchised humanity who will take her in, and one day call her their Marquise.

Her one adversary: the King of France, Louis XIV.

Her goal: to make the journey from the Courtyard of Miracles to the Court of Versailles, to become the favorite of the King, and to slake there her thirst for vengeance.

Status: in progress"

From :

Selon la lettre quotidienne d'Ecran Total, Ariel Zeitoun dirigerait le film, toujours inspiré des écrits d'Anne Golon. Tomer Sisley et Gérard Lanvin remplaceraient Claude Giraud et Robert Hossein dans les rôles de Philippe de Plessis-Bellières et de Joffrey de Peyrac. Olivier Gourmet partagerait l'affiche du projet, pour incarner François Desgrez, interprété par Jean Rochefort dans les originaux.

The above paragraph gives details of the actors who will replace their earlier counterparts, names Ariel Zeitoun as director and states that the film 'is still inspired by the writing of Anne Golon.' Although that is a nice tribute in itself, I think the film world tends to forget that there wouldn't be any Angélique films or directors or actors if it wasn't for the fact that Anne and Serge Golon collaborated on and made Anne's imaginative creation into the global celebrity that is 'Angélique' whether interpreted by Michèle Mercier or Nora Arnezeder, directed by Bernard Borderie or Ariel Zeitoun! Time to give credit where credit is due don't you think?

Old and New Angelique

Michèle seems 'sweeter' than Nora, but maybe she will give Angélique more substance and maybe the new film will stay closer to the original books rather than just be a remake of the original 1960s film series which eventually deviated from the books.

Old and New Joffrey

I quite like the look of Gérard Lanvin but with the best will in the world I think he would be better playing Angélique's father not a husband who is only 12 years her senior. (Ever heard of the 18-30 Club?)

Old and New Philippe

OK - is this a joke? French tennis star Jo-Wilfrid Tsonga (see sidebar) looks as if he is morphing into Claude Giraud and as for Tomer - how cute is he - more suited to Claude Le Petit (the Gutter Poet) in my humble opinion (did you know that is what IMHO stands for?)

Old and New Desgrez

Oh good grief! - Need I say more - Jean Rochefort was the greatest Desgrez ever - Olivier reminds me of the bizarre casting of Keith Allen as the Sheriff of Nottingham

Russian Review of new film

Good to see an interntional discussion of the new film - from a magazine in Russian

We know the actors and the director what of the screenplay writer?

From we discover that the screenplay will be written by Philippe Blasband:

À noter que le remake se fera en deux parties, au lieu de cinq, comme ce fut le cas pour l'original. Toutefois, les fans de la saga peuvent respirer. Ariel Zeitoun conservera l'univers de l'original. L'intrigue tournera toujours autour d'Angélique, qui doit épouser, malgré elle, le comte de Peyrac. Elle traversera la France pour défendre son époux, qu'elle a appris à apprécier entretemps. Philippe Blasband rédige le scénario du remake. Le projet est coproduit par Climax Films.

'The main difference between the original and remake will be that this will be a two-part adaptation instead of the original five episodes. Fans won't have the opportunity to catch their breath! Ariel Zeitoun will keep to the parameters of the original. The intrigue will always surround Angélique and her beloved but doomed husband, the Comte de Peyrac, whom she espoused despite his physical appearance. She travels the length and breadth of France in defence of her husband. Philippe Blasband will write the screenplay for the remake which will be co-produced by Climax Films.'

Well - that puts it in a nutshell doesn't it - so what happened to Candia and Malta and her sea-faring and desert adventures ...... Philipp Blasbands previous screenplay credits can be found on IMDB.

No mention of a musical score yet, perhaps just a re-mix of the original hauntingly beautiful melody by Michel Magne?

No film for 2012 - truth or rumour?

Well, the speculation was fun whilst it lasted - for an update and Elodie's reaction to her new-found status as the phantom Marquise please visit here.

A new Angélique film for 2012?

If nothing else were true, the endearing love story that is Angélique and Joffrey continues to fascinate the French-speaking world. The English-speaking world is way behind because the saga, in book format, was never brought to any sort of conclusion ending abruptly and brutally with 'Angélique and Ghosts'. Just to qualify, when I say brutally I don't mean the content of the book was concluded brutally, I mean the manner of the publishers, who made the decision not to 'commission any further translations of these books due to lack of interest', was brutal!

But the rumour mill continues to grind on whether it be Michèle Mercier protesting that she is not 'Angélique' (see sidebar) or Robert Hossein still dining out on his portrayal of Joffrey de Peyrac, insisting that he inspired the character to become the popular hero of the films and completely disregarding any input from Anne Golon or acknowledging that Joffroi was her creation! In fact part of Hossein's IMDB entry reads "In the 1960s, Robert Hossein appeared regularly as Joffrey de Peyrac in the soft-core Angélique films." Shame on you Monsewer Hossein!

There is no doubt that the films are immensely popular and that Mercier and Hossein are MM and RH as A and Jconsidered to be the embodiment of the eponymous heroes - but the films are a genre all of their own befitting the style of the time (mid to late 1960s) and appeal, in the main, to viewers who do not know or appreciate the intricacies and rich historical vein which is the lifeblood of the books.

I make no apologies for my views, because I think the films are beautiful and a lot of fun and fairly creative in their own way. They may well have been 'inspired' by Anne Golon's books but it would be unkind, under the circumstances, to give them any more credence than that.

But as I was saying - the love affair with the public continues and here is what is currently (January 2012) in the French press promoting the possibility of a new film - but remember it could only be a rumour!

And here are the two new would-be stars:


Angélique, Marquise des Anges, is to be portrayed by Elodie Frégé known principally for winning series 3 of 'Star Academy' - a reality show.


Joffrey de Peyrac is to be portrayed by Gérard Lanvin and best known for his participation in "Les Lyonnais" - a film about the ganglands of Lyon in the 1970s.

Virgin Megastore in Paris hosts Anne Golon

Anne Golon and YaelleThanks to a long-standing fan of author Anne Golon and her 'Angélique' saga, Yaëlle set up a book-signing for her heroine(s) - Anne and 'Angélique' at the Virgin Megastore, situated on the Grands Boulevards in Paris on Friday, 18th November 2011 at 18.00 hours. Not only did Yaëlle organise and attend the event, but she also took the trouble to pay homage to both the author and her eponymous heroine by dressing up in period costume and accessories.

Thanks to Claire Saïm I'm able to reproduce the evening in pictures and some personal comments. All the pictures used have been provided by Claire and she has generously allowed their reproduction here. The Virgin Store Front

So, just in case someone hadn't heard that this event was happening, the hoarding outside the Virgin Megastore made it abundantly clear that 'something' was happening inside ...... Even if they were unsure about Anne Golon herself, everyone would recognise the iconic image of Michèle Mercier who portrayed 'Angélique' in the series of films made in the mid to late 1960s.

Happily the fans did not let their author down and it was evident by their presence that all concerned enjoyed the book-signing opportunity as these pictures show Anne surrounded by her clamouring readers. No film posters needed to promote this particular great author to her set of fans who are so obviously readers of the 'oeuvre' Anne is guarding so carefully in her current 'Intégrale' re-writes.

Anne and Fans

More fans

It was gratifying to know that Anne's daughter, Nadja was in attendance to ensure her mothers success on this evening and that Anne, deservedly so, was surrounded by those who appreciate her and it is lovely to see that she was presented with a bouquet of flowers in the colours that she loves so much. Whenever I have had the privilege of meeting Anne I have always taken flowers (in forest colours and as unusual a combination of flora that I could find) to show my very great appreciation for this remarkable lady.

Flowers for Anne

I haven't yet found out who the young male admirer is** - however it is good to see him being so attentive to Anne :


And to conclude, from Claire's site, this absolutely appropriate and fitting sentiment:Anne, Nadja and Org

"Merci à Anne Golon et sa fille Nadia, pour leur extrême gentillesse et leur disponibilité, merci aussi à tous les fans présents, ainsi qu’à tous ceux qui ont envoyé des petits mots de sympathie, et un grand bravo à Yaëlle pour son organisation sans faille !"

Translation : Thank you to Anne Golon and her daughter Nadia for their extreme kindness and their availability, thanks also to all those fans present for the occasion and the manner in which they expressed their genuine affection for their favourite author and finally an enormous bravo to Yaëlle for her flawless organisation of this event.

And Good Night Anne

As Anne leaves the book signing she bids farewell to her fans, all of whom are now new-found friends.

Anne Leaving EventAngelica in Bouquet detail

And is this a little sprig of Angelica peeking out from the bouquet?


A message of thanks from Anne to Claire, Yaëlle and all who participated in this memorable evening.

Message de Nadia & Anne : Anne Golon a été touchée de retrouver l'autre soir des lecteurs de plusieurs dédicaces précédentes. Ces conversations l'ont reboostee !

Translation - A message from Nadia and Anne : Last evening, Anne Golon was touched to rediscover several readers present whose books she had previously dedicated (autographed). Chatting with them raised (reboosted) her (sic) confidence. (Note, this is quite a formal statement and is awkward to translate, however the above is as close as I can get with a bit of poetic licence, the sentiment is more precious than the literal translation).

** I am reliably informed the young man with Anne is a close friend named Geoffroy.

The French Government Honours Anne

(Images from this momentous occasion courtesy of the Pure People web-site / Images of the actual honour courtesy of France Phalerestique web-site)

Remise de médailles au ministère de la culture, le 14 décembre 2010 à Paris : Anne Golon et Frédéric Mitterrand

Anne Golon and Mitterand

On Tuesday, 14th December, 2010 - Anne Golon was finally honoured by the French Government for her contribution to the literary world. Seen here accompanied by Frédéric Mitterrand wearing the medal denoting her recognition as 'd'Officier dans l'ordre des Arts et des Lettres'.


The actual medal is reproduced here (on the right of the picture)

The announcement was made by the Ministry of Culture and Communication via their web-site in January 2010 - to read the full nomination list on the web click here

As Anne arrives in style she is accorded every honour :

Anne arrives by limousine for her presentation

Anne and the Culture Minister

Anne is seen here called to the lectern to receive her honour and with her fellow nominees:

Anne and Nominees

For the speech that accompanied the honour bestowed on Anne please visit here

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Page refreshed 19th July 2017